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Status about relationship

What is distance when you love someone so much?

Relationship status

Heaven is the place where we are together 24/7.

I wish I had done everything on earth with you.

Life is the flower for which love is the honey.

Love is like the air, so I’m breezing with you.

There is no charm equal to tenderness of heart.

In this story I am the poet you are the poetry. Status about relationship

Why I’m not a cat, to spend nine lives with her.

We are amazing; we just have a problem with fate.

I don’t like friend zone, what have I done wrong?

A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge. Status about relationship

Eyes with dust & heart with trust cries the most.

Come into my dreams so that I could sleep forever.

I will not repeat myself, I love whenever you are.

I gave my freedom away; now all I could is waiting.

My heart belongs only to one person. Me, of course.

If you don’t love me its ok, I can love both of us.

“The best relationship usually begins unexpectedly.” Status about relationship

Joy is a net of love with which you can catch souls.

Every time I see you, I fall in love all over again.

I’m here to wait for you, it doesn’t matter how long.

Can I survive without you? My heart and soul says NO.

Disappointment closes your heart and opens your eyes.

Distance means nothing when someone means everything.

“Never above you, Never Below you, Always beside You.”

I hate separation that is why I always disappear first.

Don’t worry about me, be yourself, and I’ll be waiting. Status about relationship

The most important thing in the world is family & love.

Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.

Never make decision when you are sad, upset or in love.

I want to believe that with greater understanding one day, we could reach a peaceful solution to our disagreements.

No matter how mad you are at your partner when he says something funny, you can’t help yourself but smile or laugh.

“A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.” Status about relationship

Relationship status: I’m in a complicated relationship with myself. We will love each other until death does us apart.

A person who really cares will stay and wait for the real reason even if you told him how many times nothing is wrong.

When you recycled a relationship, don’t expect it to last forever. It was thrown away in the first place for a reason.

Sometimes life has a cruel sense of humor, giving you the best thing you always waited for at the worst time possible.

“We may love the wrong person or cry for the wrong reason. But one thing is sure; mistakes help us find the right person.” Status about relationship

A broken trust is like a broken thing, you can always put it back to pieces but it will never be the same as it is before.

That moment when you are looking for him in the midst of huge crowd only to find out that he is staring at your eyes already.

“The hearts wants what it wants. There’s No Logic to it. You meet Someone, and You Fall in Love, and There’s No Turning Back.”

Don’t love somebody who cheated on someone whom he once loved because it is not impossible that you will be cheated on as well. Status about relationship

Every relationship has its own ups and downs. We should understand both sides. We present you sad statuses about the relationship:

“The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances – if there is any reaction, both are transformed.”

I imagine sometimes you and me watching stars in the same time. I wonder what you think, and do we see the same moments in the sky.

“You don’t want to live your life and then meet someone. You want to share your life with someone. That’s what I’m missing right now.”

One day you’ll wake up and realize how much you care for me. When that day comes, I’ll wake up next to someone who already knows that…

No matter how many years passed by, you still have this magical power to make me feel crazy in love each time I laid my eyes upon you. Status about relationship

Don’t be frustrated if you do not end up with the one you want, because you will surely end up with the one whom you deserve the most.

Two important things in a relationship; first to find out your similarities the second one is to respect and work out your differences.

“Every minute feels like an Hour; Every Hour is Feels like a Day, Every Day Fells like Forever but I will wait for Forever and a Day for YOU.”

Distance is fearful; however, if you are willing to spend a lot of time by yourself, and a little time with those who you love, can you do it? Status about relationship

When someone is gone, you can at first feel depressed, then alone, and after all these feelings you will understand what means to really love.

I’m often asked how I could love all these women. However, many forget that relationship is not a measurement unit. You either have it or not.

Will I ever mean to someone, but to really mean, as seriously. No lie, crushing, and fraud, as it doesn’t hurt that someone who only loves me.

Who says love is easy and simple. You love him, he loves her, she loves another man and that man loves you, nothing is as complicated as that. Status about relationship

Of course that she will say that she is happy for you, she will smile and pretend that everything is fine, but look in her eyes, and she is broken.

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