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True Relationship status

  • I still feel the same about everything, and every habit reminds me of you.

  • The best feeling is when he calls you beautiful like it is your name.

  • Does loving someone who does not love you back really that pointless?

  • I have heard that you lost your heart. Don’t worry it is safe with me.

  • I love you so much that I don’t care where you go, I’m going with you.

  • I just want to touch you with my feet. That is the expression of love.

  • I have planned everything; I’m just waiting for something to go wrong.

  • The recipe for an unbreakable relationship is love, loyalty and trust.

  • “A true friend is that one who takes your hand but touches your heart.”

  • “Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.”

  • “All relationships go through hell; real relationships get through it.” True Relationship status

  • I don’t care about miles I can walk that road with only you in my mind.

  • Heart gave me your shivering moment. Now I can just wait for an answer.

  • I love you baby and you turned your back for a moment as I was nothing…

  • Unless a commitment is made there is only promises & hopes but no plan.

  • I’m happy because I have you, I’m sad because of that painful happiness.

  • I’m not waiting for you to be with me, I’m waiting for us to become one.

  • I knew that this day will come. Look out of your window, yes that is me.

  • I’m not your ex, but the best thing in your life. And you have let me go. True Relationship status

  • Falling asleep in the arms of my husband is the best feeling of all time.

  • You cannot get stronger without a fight, you cannot love without distance.

  • If you really love someone more than yourself, you will not let him leave.

  • When he saw her, he became a hunter. When he caught her, he became a prey.

  • Sometimes I just want someone to hug me and to say: Everything will be OK!

  • Love is when the other person’s happiness is more important than your own.

  • “A relationship with no arguments is a relationship with a lot of secrets.”

  • “When I am with You Hours feel Like Seconds, Without You, Days want Years.”

  • “Love knows no distance; it hath no continent, its eyes are for the stars.”

  • Love in a relationship is when a girl has to stand on tiptoe to kiss a boy.

  • I have never loved rainy days. Now I just want to go outside, I don’t care.

  • Be mindful, be grateful, be positive & automatically you will be beautiful.

  • I don’t care about time; days are just a scratched numbers until you return.

  • I started to write you a message, and delete… I thought that you don’t care.

  • I used to build walls around myself just to see who sincerely care about me!

  • I want someone to look at me like how Gollum looks at the one precious ring. True Relationship status

  • Let us meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.

  • Love yourself & stay positive, because love comes from a true positive soul.

  • Love in a relationship is when a girl says, I’m fat, a boy reply: You are not.

  • A woman in a relationship wants to experience a novel, man just a short story.

  • It’s sad to know I’m done. But looking back, I’ve got a lot of great memories.

  • It doesn’t matter where you are; just say my name and my heart will beat faster.

  • You should never look for evidence for love, because true love is crystal clear. True Relationship status

  • I love you not because of who you are but because of who I am when I’m with you.

  • For years, I meet people whose names I forget, until I met her and I forgot mine.

  • Everybody wants sincerity, and when you tell them all in the face they get angry.

  • Just like a flower can’t blossom without sunshine, a man can’t live without love.

  • “There is greatness in doing something you hate for the sake of someone you love.”

  • It doesn’t matter anymore where you are, because I know that you are always with me.

  • “A partner is someone who makes you more than you are, simply by being by your side.”

  • Even though you are too far, I will find your voice and fall asleep around your door.

  • If you ever feel alone, close your eyes and just feel the presence of my love to you.

  • I need only a small place in your heart; if you don’t have it please let someone out! True Relationship status

  • It hurts when you know something and not know how to say what… It is same with grief!

  • I thought I don’t deserve anyone better, and then you came along and proved me wrong.

  • That feeling when your eyes are filled with tears and you laugh and say, It’s nothing.

  • “Remember We all Stumble everyone of us that’s why it is a Comfort to go Hand in hand.”

  • “Relationship is worth Fighting For, but Sometimes you can’t be the Only one Fighting.”

  • Even if you are a thousand miles away, no one could understand my pain better than you.

  • Why days with you pass within a moment, and moments without you feels like an eternity.

  • “There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness.”

  • “When a man loves a woman, periodically he needs to pull away before he can get closer.” True Relationship status

  • When you love someone you love him with your heart, eyes are not important in that case.

  • You are in a lifetime relationship when a man wants you to meet and talk to his parents.

  • I finally said Yes not because he proposed to me but because he asked me to set him free.

  • There is no space for a third party unless the two people create a space to be filled in.

  • There are 3 no’s of Relationship. No cheating. No lying. No promises that you can’t keep.

  • “Remember, we all stumble, every one of us. That’s why it’s a comfort to go hand in hand.”

  • Would you rather keep your love for someone a secret or tell them and risk being rejected?

  • “If the Relationship Doesn’t Make You a Better Person, then You are with the Wrong Person.”

  • Imagine that you live in the 19th century, what would you do if someone is not close to you?

  • Relationship Goal= two persons who are not afraid to hold on to each other against all odds.

  • All kinds of relationship are founded on trust from each side, without it, you have nothing.

  • Loving someone is nothing hard. The hard thing is to make that person fall in love with you.

  • “Love is Never Last. If not Reciprocated. It will Flow Back and Softer and Purify the Heart.”

  • “I miss you even more than I could have believed, and I was prepared to miss you a good deal.” True Relationship status

  • When a relationship is founded on mere physical attractiveness, it is meant to be short lived.

  • It takes two people with utmost trust to each other to make a long distance relationship work.

  • “Under every full moon are lovers in love, and under every bright sun two friends smile as one.”

  • “Relationship is an art. The Dream that two People Create is More Difficult to Master than one.”

  • “Having someone wonder where you are when you don’t come home at night is a ancient human need.”

  • “In the end, who among us does not choose to be a little less right to be slightly less lonely.”

  • Don’t think as we separated, we just changed the courses, but I will return because I always do.

  • “Sometimes it is the person closest to us who must travel the furthest distance to be our friend.” True Relationship status

  • Why should I be sad? I lost someone who never liked me, and he lost the one who loved him the most…

  • Whenever I’m sad because I miss you I remember that you are perfect and that I have someone to miss.

  • “There are days when you need someone who just wants to be your sunshine and not the air you breathe.”

  • Our memories are connected, so it doesn’t matter where you are because I know, you are always with me. True Relationship status

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